Tigrinya (22)
English (21)
Ge'ez (12)
Dutch/Flemish (11)
modern (vernacular) Northwest Aramaic (Surait) (9)
German (15)
Classical Syriac (17)
Tigre (1)
Amharic (6)
Arabic (standard) (21)
Coptic (1)
Western Armenian (5)
Spanish (1)
Greek (1)
Turkish (1)
Italian (5)
Classical Armenian (5)
French (12)
Swedish (5)
Liturgy/Prayerbooks (15)
Scripture (4)
Fiction & Folk stories (10)
Youth (13)
(Auto)Biography (2)
Spirituality (13)
Theology (13)
Religious Teaching (25)
Religious Practice (6)
Language & Grammar (4)
History (21)
Nationalism & Politics (2)
Sermon/Homily (3)
Hagiography (13)
Mixed Genre (4)
Canon Law (2)
News & Contemporary issues (1)
Arts & Culture (7)
Poetry (2)
መጽሐፈ ጸሎት ፹፮ PRAYER BOOK 86 ግእዝ፣ ትግርኛ፣ English
Prayer Book in Ge'ez, Tigrinya & English
Amanuel Mengisteab - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 2017
Jona...een Profeet: Beziningen in het boek van Jon...
Jonah...a Prophet: Contemplations on the Book of J...
Pope Shenouda III - Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1996
ትውፊት ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ኤርትራ፥ ታሪኽ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ብሓፈ...
Contribution of Orthodox Tewahdo Church of Eritrea...
Yitbarek Berhe (Zewge Mehuran) - (Ethiopia), 2019
ናይ ንስሓ ሕይወት ብብጹእ ወቅዱስ ኣቡነ ሽኖዳ 3ይ ናይ ግብጺ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህ...
Life of Repentance by his His Grace & Holiness Pap...
Pope Shenouda III - Tel Aviv (Israel), 2019
Fiction & Folk stories
ܐܝ ܩܝܬܐ ܘܐܘ ܬܥܠܐ
Grandmother and the Fox
Eliyo Aydin - Glane (Netherlands), 2012
In gesprek met Mor Polycarpus, Aartsbisschop van d...
Talking to Mor Polycarpus, Archbishop of the Syria...
Jaap van Slageren - (Netherlands), 2018
ܟܬܒܐ ܕܣܝ̈ܡܬܐ
Book of Treasures
Severos Jacob Bartella - Glane (Netherlands), 2016
ወንጌል ጥዑም ዜና 2ይ ሕታም: ማቴዎስ ማርቆስ ሉቃስ ዮሃንስ
Gospel Good News Second Edition፥ Matthew, Mark, Lu...
Fr. Dr. Tecleab Mengisteab - Trenton, New Jersey (United States), 2018
Language & Grammar
የግእዝ ጥናት ፥ ከሳባ፣ ዕብራይስጥ፣ ዓረብ፣ ትግረ፣ ትግርኛ፣ ኣማርኛ Engli...
Study book of Ge'ez and its origins, its relations...
Amanuel Mengisteab - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 2016
Religious Teaching
Tradition & Orthodoxy
Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty - Alexandria (Egypt), 1979
الإبصلمودية الكيهكية المقدسة: تسبحة أيام شهر كيهك ...
Holy Prayers of the Month of Kiyahk
- Cairo (Egypt), 2012
تاريخ الكنيسة القبطية
History of the Coptic Church
Fr. Menassa Youhanna - Cairo (Egypt), 1983
Fiction & Folk stories
ܗ̄ܘ ܬܓܪܐ ܥܬܝܪܐ
Der reiche Kaufmann
traditional text - (Germany), 2015
Die Syrisch-Orthodoxe Kirche von Antiochien: Ein g...
The Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch: a historica...
Hanna Aydin - Glane (Netherlands), 1990
Nationalism & Politics
Suryoye: Geschichte, Religion und Kultur
suryoye: history, religion and culture
Emanuel Aydin - Vienna (Austria), no date
الهروب إلى مصر
The Flight into Egypt
Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty - Alexandria (Egypt), no date
Religious Practice
عيد النيروز
The Feast of Nayrouz
Fr. Luka El Antony - Cairo (Egypt), 2000
Religious Teaching
Longing to see Jesus
Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty - (Egypt), no date
ሃይማኖተ ኣበው (ግዕዝን ትግርኛን)
The Religion of the Forefathers (in Ge'ez and Tigr...
Andebrhan Ghebremariam - Khartoum (Sudan), 2000
Ձայն Յանապատի : Եկեղեցական Երաժշտութեան Բարեկարգու...
Voice in the Desert: The Ecclesial Music Reform at...
Aram Kerovpyan - Paris (France), 2017
Fiction & Folk stories
Mein Vater war ein heimatloser Aramäer. Die wahre ...
My father was a homeless Aramean. The true story o...
Michael Rabo - Göppingen (Germany), 2016
Massacre at Wekidiba: The Tragic Story of A Villag...
Fr. Athanasius Habtu Ghebre-Ab Ph.D - New Jersey (United States), 2013
Fiction & Folk stories
Georg und der Drache ܓܶܘܰܪܓܺܝܣ ܘܐܘ ܬܰܢܺܝܢܳܐ
George and the dragon
Eliyo Aydin - Glane (Netherlands), 2020
The Day of The Martyrs የሰማዕታቱ ቀን
The Day of The Martyrs
Gedion Wolde Amanuel - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 2010
Religious Teaching
Waarin Geloven Wij ... (The Creed)
What We Believe in ...
Pope Shenouda III - Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1999
De Kopten, Twintig Eeuwen: onder Griekse, Romeinse...
The Copts, Twenty Centuries: under Greek, Roman, B...
Elham Khalil - (United States), 2016
Al-Kumus Michael Mina - Glane (Netherlands), 1990
ܟܦܐ. ܡܬ̈ܠܐ ܘܦܠ̈ܐܬܐ ܡܢ ܜܘܪܥܒܕܝܢ ܘܥܡܪܬܐ. ܡܘܢ ܟܐܝ ܐܡܪ...
A Handful: Proverbs and Parables from Tur Abdin an...
Ḥabib Beth-Cheni Destici - Hengelo (Netherlands), 2020
My Rabbi
Ashenafi Mekonen (Deacon) - Cairo (Egypt), 2018
Religious Teaching
De Koptische Kerk: Vraag & Antwoord
The Coptic Church: Questions and Answers
Elham Khalil - (Netherlands), 2014
እቲ መንፈሳዊ መንገዲ
The Spiritual Means / The Spiritual Path
Pope Shenouda III - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 2014
ينبوع تعزية
Source of Consolation
Fr. Rafael Ava Mina - Cairo (Egypt), 1989
Religious Practice
Los rituales del compromiso y el misterio del matr...
The rituals of the engagement and the mystery of t...
- Cervera (Spain), 2016
ጥንታዊ ምሳሌ
Proverbs from the early past / old
Mogos Uqbeghiorgis (Lique-Mezemran, Head of Cantors) - Asmara (Eritrea), 1989
Feste und Feiern im Kirchenjahr nach dem Ritus der...
Feasts and ceremonies in the church year according...
Andreas Heinz - Trier (Germany), 1998
ትምህርተ ነገረ መለኮት ወሥርዓተ ኣምኮት
Theological Education and Rules of Worship
- Frankfurt (Germany), 2018
ኣሰረ-ቅዱሳን ቊ..፰
Footsteps of holly people No.8
Aba Simon Zegedame Soryani (Egypte) - (None), 2013
Mixed Genre
The Ancient Coptic Churches of Cairo
Raouf Habib - Cairo (Egypt), 1979
ታሪኽ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስትያን ኤርትራ
History of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church
Yitbarek Berhe (Zewge Mehuran) - Asmara (Eritrea), 2001
Book of Light
Ghebre-Egziabher (Aba) - Asmara (Eritrea), 1994
ትቅዋመ ሶም ኣብ ከርሢ ኣዳም
The White Pearl/Gem That was in the Spinal Cord of...
- Asmara (Eritrea), 2013
ሰማያዊ ሕገ መንግሥት
Heavenly Sovereign Laws / Heavenly Governing Laws
Kinfe Rigib Markos (Teacher) - (None), 2012
مسرحية القديسة برباره
The Play of St. Barbara
Mikhail Maksi Eskander - Cairo (Egypt), no date
Martyrs St. George the Roman, Alexandria and Mozah...
Mikhail Maksi Eskander - Cairo (Egypt), 2007
St. Mina the Miraculous: His Life History and Mira...
Sabry Abdalla - Cairo (Egypt), no date
Religious Teaching
ወላዲተ ኣምላክ ኣብ መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ
The Mother of God in the Bible
Sunday School Kidane-Mihret (Covenant of Mercy) Asmara - Asmara (Eritrea), 2003
ገድለ ኣቡነ ቡርክ ኣምላክ
The Struggle of Bishop Buruk Amlak (the Blessed of...
Buruk Amlak (Abune) - Asmara (Eritrea), 2013
ድርሳነ ማሕየዊ
The Writing(s) of Healing
- Asmara (Eritrea), 2018
الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية، كنيسة علم ولاهوت
The Coptic Orthodox Church as a Church of Eruditio...
Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty - Alexandria (Egypt), 1986
Das Leben des Heiligen Jesaja aus Aleppo
The life of Saint Jesaja from Aleppo
Eliyo Aydin - Delbrück (Germany), 2017
Das Leben des Heiligen Samuel
The life of Saint Samuel
Eliyo Aydin - (None), 2019
Das Leben des Heiligen Behnam und Sara
The life of the Saint Behnam and Sara
Eliyo Aydin - Delbrück (Germany), 2007
Hayastan Հայաստան
Sarkis Sarkisyan - London (United Kingdom), 1983
معجزات الأنبا مكاريوس
Miracles of Anba Makarios
Anba Sherobime - Qena (Egypt), 2007
قصة الكنيسة القبطية
Story of the Coptic Church
Iris Habib el Masri - Cairo (Egypt), 1988
Een Altaar in Egypte: Kroniek van de Koptisch Orth...
An Altar in Egypt: Chronicle of the Coptic Orthodo...
Hegoumen Vader Arsenious El Baramousy - Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2008
دراسات وتأملات في الثلاثة قداسات مع سيرة واضعيها
Studies and Contemplations on the Three Liturgies,...
Bishop Mettaos - Wadi El Natrun (Egypt), 1993
سفر يهوديت
The Book of Judith
Deacon Ehab R. Wahib - Sydney (Australia), 1996
Religious Practice
بفكر حكيم مستنير. إختار الأفضل
With a wise and enlightened thought. Choose the be...
Hegomen Youhanna Ibrahim - Ismailia (Egypt), 2017
Religious Teaching
عيد الغطاس والدروس المستفادة
Epiphany and the Applied Lessons
Anba Abraam - Faiyum (Egypt), 2010
شمعة مضيئة: الكنيسة القبطية في هولندا
A Shining Candle: The Coptic Church in the Netherl...
Bishop Anba Arseny - Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2021
Eccliseia: la rivista per i giovani
Eccliseia: the magazine for the youth
- Milan (Italy), 2018 - now
Խորհուրդ Սուրբ Մկրտութեան Հայաստանեայց Առաքելական ...
The Sacrament of (lifegiving) Holy Baptism of the ...
- Paris (France), no date
Խորհուրդ Սուրբ Պսակի Հայաստանեայց Առաքելական Ս. Եկ...
The Sacrament of Marriage of the Armenian Apostoli...
- Paris (France), 2015
Religious Teaching
L'Église-Cathédrale Saint Jean-Baptiste de Paris e...
The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Baptist in ...
Kégham Torossian - Paris (France), 2012
A la Recherche de la Spiritualité: Le Défi du Reno...
In Search of Spirituality: The Challenge of Renewa...
Karekin I Sarkissian - Paris (France), 1997
L'Église arménienne dans l'œcuménisme: Des suites ...
The Armenian Church in Ecumenism: From the Consequ...
Albert Khazinedjian - Paris (France), 2017
Religious Teaching
Le catéchisme de la sainte église arménienne apost...
The Catechism of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Unive...
Albert Khazinedjian - Paris (France), 2017
Le Livre de Prières
The Book of Prayers
Gregory of Narek - Paris (France), 2000
Canon Law
Համաբարբառ Կանոնագիրք Հայոց / Ordonnancement Du Li...
Concordance of the Armenian Canon Book
- Etchmiadzin (Armenia), 2020
Dall'Egitto ho chiamato mio figlio: La fuga in Egi...
Out of Egypt I called my son: The flight of the Ho...
Alberto Elli - Milan (Italy), 2013
Language & Grammar
Turoyo - Der syrisch-aramäische Dialekt des Turabd...
Turoyo - The Syriac-Aramaic dialect of Turabdin
Sami Ucel - Vienna (Austria), 2015
Religious Teaching
روحانية طقوس الأسرار في الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسي...
Spirituality of the Rites of Sacraments in the Cop...
Bishop Mettaos - Cairo (Egypt), 1995
News & Contemporary issues
ጽድቅ ወሰላም ተሳዓማ: እውነትና ሰላም ተስማሙ.መዝ.84(85):10
Righteousness and peace kiss each other, truth and...
Wolderufael Fetahi (Teacher) - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 2018
Religious Teaching
Why Confess?
Father Daoud Lamei - Stevenage (United Kingdom), 2012
ተንስኡ ለጸሎት
Stand up for prayer
Ashenafi Mekonen (Deacon) - Cairo (Egypt), 2019
ወታእ ልሳን
Stutterer Tongue, Faltering Tongue
Ashenafi Mekonen (Deacon) - Cairo (Egypt), 2003
አኰቴተ ቊርባን
Eucharistic Prayer
Mebratu Kiros Gebru, (Fr. PhD) - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 2021
ፀሐየ ዓለም ባሕረ ሐሳብ
Sun of the World Ocean of Knowledge (Liturgical Co...
Zenebe Hayelom (Merigeta) - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 2020
ኣንጋረ ፈላስፋ
The talk of the philosophers
- Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 1953
ምሥጢረ ምሥጢራት
The Mystery of Mystery
Deacon Yohannes Ghebrehiwet - Atlanta, Georgia (United States), 2019
Խաչվերացի Թափօր Անդաստան եւ Երեկոյեան Ժամերգութիւն...
The Antasdan Procession and Evening Service of the...
Religious Council of the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul - Istanbul (Turkey), 2009
Կարգ Օրհնութեան Խաղողոյ, Հանադերձ աշխարաբարով
Service of the Blessing of the Grapes, Accompanied...
Religious Council of the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul - Istanbul (Turkey), 2009
Het Boek der Weeklaging
The Book of Lamentation
Gregory of Narek - Yerevan (Armenia), 2018
Religious Teaching
40 ans au service de l'Église arménienne apostoliq...
40 Years of Service to the Armenian Apostolic Chur...
Albert Khazinedjian - Paris (France), 2009
Խորհրդածութիւն Սուրբ Աստուածածնի Եօթը Ցաւերուն Վրա...
Meditation on the Seven Sorrows of the Holy Mother...
V. Rev. Fr. Kapriel Avedikian - Venice (Italy), 1988
Religious Teaching
الإيمان بوحدانية الله
Belief in the oneness of God
Anba Agathon - Maghagha (Egypt), 2005
آيات وعجائب العذراء مريم والدة الإله: المعجزة (مفه...
Signs and Wonders of the Virgin Mary, The Mother o...
Father Pola Salib - Tanta (Egypt), 2018
ساكبات الطيب..وطيبنا المسكوب
Myrrh shedders..and our shedded myrrh
Anba Youannes - Asyut (Egypt), 2017
Religious Teaching
السلام في ضوء تعاليم السيد المسيح وآباء الكنيسة
Peace in the Light of the Teachings of Christ and ...
Anba Abraam - Faiyum (Egypt), 2010
Jakob av Serugh Herrens bön
Jacob of Serugh the Lord's prayer
- Alberga (Sweden), 2021
Religious Teaching
Tien Begrippen
Ten Concepts
Pope Shenouda III - Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1995
Religious Teaching
እንጌራ ህይወት
Bread of Life
Fr. Dr. Tecleab Mengisteab - Asmara (Eritrea), 2000 - 2001
ܕܡܐ ܙܠܝܚܐ. ܓܘܢܚ̈ܐ ܘܫܪ̈ܒܐ ܡܚܫ̈ܢܐ ܕܡܫܥܚ̈ܝܐ ܕܒܬܚܘܡ̈ܐ ...
The blood that was shed: the atrocities and terrib...
Abdelmesih Ne‘man Karabashi - Glane (Netherlands), 1999
Vergoten Bloed. Verhalen over de gruweldaden jegen...
The blood that was shed: stories about the atrocit...
Abdelmesih Ne‘man Karabashi - Glane (Netherlands), 2002
ܡܟܬܒܢܘܬܐ ܕܥܕܬܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܬܐ ܕܐܢܜܥܘܟ
The History of the Syriac Church of Antioch
Mor Severius Jacob - Göteborg (Sweden), 2009
Canon Law
Das Strafrecht der Syrisch-Orthodoxen Kirche (HIRM...
Penal law of the Syriac Orthodox Church
Emanuel Aydin - Vienna (Austria), 1993
Religious Teaching
Introduction to the Coptic Orthodox Church
Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty - Alexandria (Egypt), 1993
Arts & Culture
Հայկական Մանրանկարչութիւն Եւ Թորոս Ռօսլին
Armenian Miniature and Toros Roslin
V. Rev. Fr. Vatché Iknadiossian - Venice (Italy), 1983
Arts & Culture
La Miniature Armenienne Et T'oros Roslin
The Armenian Miniature and Toros Roslin
V. Rev. Fr. Vatché Iknadiossian - Marseille (France), 1999
The book of prayer መጽሓፈ ጸሎት
The book of prayer
Fr. Yohannes Ghebrehiwet - Manchester (United Kingdom), 2022
Religious Teaching
Gli Apostoli di Cristo
The Apostles of Christ
- Milan (Italy), no date
ድርሳነ ኤልያስ
Writings of Elias
Merigeta Henok Ghebremichael - (None), 2019
ድርብ ሃብቲ፡ መጽሓፍ ጸሎት፡ ውዳሴ ማርያም ብትግርኛ ምስ ምሩጽ ጥቕስታትን ጠቓ...
Double Wealth: Prayer book Eulogy to Maria in Tigr...
Keshi Yohannes Negasi - Chicago (United States), 2010
Das Leben des Heiligen Jakob von Sarug
The life of Saint Jacob of Sarug
Eliyo Aydin - Warburg (Germany), 2021
Religious Teaching
S. Marina l'asceta
St. Marina the Ascetic
- Milan (Italy), no date
Arts & Culture
From Armenia to Manchester: The Holy Trinity Armen...
Vicken Couligian - London (United Kingdom), 2020
Arts & Culture
Inscriptions on Armenian Headstones and Memorials ...
Holy Trinity Armenian Church - Manchester (United Kingdom), 2022
ܩܘܩܢܘܣ ܕܢܥ݊ܡܬܐ
The swan of melodies
Nahir Aqjay Ḥaḥoyo - Adiyaman (Turkey), 2016
Fiction & Folk stories
Mi Cëtmo Lu Bahro: Hkeye madëlnito cal camo d qayë...
From darkness to light
Jan Ŝen-Diyarbakërli - Örebro (Sweden), 1989
Fiction & Folk stories
Qale w Ŝayno: Şërto maş şërtoto dah haye b atran B...
Sounds and Silence
Jan Ŝen-Diyarbakërli - Örebro (Sweden), 1989
Fiction & Folk stories
Më Zaz Lu Swed
From Zaz to Sweden
Jan Ŝen-Diyarbakërli - Södertälje (Sweden), 1990
Fiction & Folk stories
Hubo w Haye b Yardo
Love and life in Yardo
Jan Ŝen-Diyarbakërli - Södertälje (Sweden), 1990
Religious Teaching
De zingende vrouwen van St. Efrem de Syriër: Mimro...
The singing women of St. Ephrem the Syrian. Mimro ...
Jacob of Sarugh - Glane (Netherlands), 2014
Nationalism & Politics
Gabriel Afram - Jönköping (Sweden), 1993
ܡܟܢܫܬܐ ܕܫܪ̈ܒܐ ܡܫܚ̈ܠܦܐ ܘܕܫܘ̈ܥܝܬܐ ܕܡܟܬܒܙܢ̈ܐ ܕܙܘ̈ܝܬܐ ...
Collection of various stories and legends by histo...
Abdelmesih Ne‘man Karabashi - Jönköping (Sweden), 1994
Wenn die Seele spricht .. Gedichte eines Turabdine...
When the soul speaks ... poems of a Turabdiner
Josef Önder - Glane (Netherlands), 2021
Language & Grammar
Lezioni di Lettura in Aramaico 1
Reading lessons in Aramaic 1
Aziz Degabriel - Lugano (Switzerland), 2017
Religious Teaching
Et l'Arménie devint chrétienne
And Armenia Became Christian
Jean Guréghian - Versailles (France), 2004
Arts & Culture
Architecture et Art Sacré Arméniens: Aperçu et div...
Armenian Sacred Architecture and Art: Overview and...
Albert Khazinedjian - Paris (France), 2006
Das Leben des heiligen Jakob von Sarug
Eliyo Aydin - Warburg (Germany), 2021
Arts & Culture
Mijn dorpje
My little village
Stire Kaya-Cirik - (Netherlands), 2024
Fiction & Folk stories
ܬܠܬܐ ܜܠܝܐ܀ ܐܘ ܚܘܪܝܕܝ
Three young people: the friends
Helane Numansen-Mutlu - (Netherlands), 2020
Fiction & Folk stories
ܬܠܬܐ ܜܠܝܐ܀ ܣܬ ܓܕ ܗܘܐ ܫܡܫܐ
Three young people: Seth wants to be a deacon (sha...
Helane Numansen-Mutlu - (Netherlands), 2020
ܡܢ ܒܝܬ ܣܒܪܐ ܠܐܘܪܫܠܡ
From Beth Sabro to Jerusalem
Eliyas Jawriye d-Beth Quryo (qashisho) - (Germany), no date
ܡܐܡܪ̈ܐ ܘܬܘܪ̈ܓܡܐ ܪܗܜܪ̈ܐ
Rhetorical Homilies and Orationes
Hanna Acar - Istanbul (Turkey), 2022